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Archives: 2024

7 Tips to Winterize Your Business and Protect Against Winter Hazards

7 Tips to Winterize Your Business and Protect Against Winter Hazards

Before each winter, business owners should spend time preparing to protect their property and operations from the challenges brought by cold weather, snow and ice. Winterizing your business is not just about staying warm—it's about safeguarding your assets and minimizing potential risks. A well-prepared business can avoid costly repairs and downtime during the winter season. Here are seven tips to help you protect your business...

Frozen Pipes Could Cost Your Business—Here’s How to Help Prevent Issues

Frozen Pipes Could Cost Your Business—Here’s How to Help Prevent Issues

Frozen pipes are more than just an inconvenience—they can cause severe damage to your property. Whether you’ve experienced it firsthand or have heard the stories, it’s important to stay prepared and know what to do if it does happen. Those deep-winter cold snaps can send temperatures plummeting, and homes with exposed or inadequately protected plumbing can have pipes freeze—or worse, burst—under the pressure of expanding...

A Retailer’s Guide to Loss Prevention

A Retailer’s Guide to Loss Prevention

More than $112 billion was lost to retail shrinkage in a recent year, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF). Retail loss, or “shrinkage” as it is commonly called, is a severe problem in the United States. A retailer loses a certain amount of inventory due to damage, employee theft, and shoplifting. These losses affect your business’s bottom line and your livelihood. In a world...

What to Bring When Buying a Car?

What to Bring When Buying a Car?

That shiny new ride is right in reach. You’ve searched high and low, spent more time reviewing reviews on Google than you want to admit, but the time has come! You are ready to purchase your new (or new to you) vehicle. Before you head over to the dealership, make sure you have all the documents you’ll need to make the process as smooth as...

Driving Safety Tips as Daylight Savings Ends

Driving Safety Tips as Daylight Savings Ends

Fall and the end of daylight savings time is upon us once again. As the clocks are turned back an hour, you can expect your normal sleeping patterns to be disrupted for about a week before they return to normal, as the amount of sunlight in a day is less. Driving to work or around town could be just that much more challenging. Here are some...

Pennsylvania Insurance Quotes